Messaging 92• Domain Extensions: Create and manage a list of web and Emailextensions. Press the Left Soft Key Erase to delete extensions. Pressthe Right Soft Key New to create new extensions. To modify anextension, highlight the extension, then press EDIT.• Quick Text: Create and manage pre-loaded phrases to insert intomessages. Press the Left Soft Key Erase to delete phrases. Press theRight Soft Key Options ➔ New to add new phrases. To modify aphrase, highlight the phrase and press EDIT. To rearrange the order ofQuick Text phrases, press the Right Soft Key Options ➔ Move.• Voicemail #: The default voicemail speed dial number is *86. You canmodify the number to add Waits or Pauses, plus any other charactersused to access voicemail.• Callback #: Choose On to add a callback phone number to yourmessages, and set the phone number. Choose Off to omit a callbacknumber (you can manually add a callback number when composingmessages).• Signature: Choose Custom to add a signature to all messages, thenuse the Directional Key to move to the signature field to create thesignature. Choose None to disable signatures.