78Section 11: Applications and WidgetsAllShareUse AllShare to share multimedia content from your device viaWi-Fi with DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) certifieddevices. With AllShare, you can:• Play multimedia content from your device on another player, such as aWi-Fi-capable TV or other playback device.• Play multimedia content from another source, such as a wirelessmedia server, on your device.• Play multimedia content from another source, such as a wirelessmedia server, on another device. Your device retrieves content fromthe source and delivers it to another device via Wi-Fi, and acts as aremote to control playback.Note: Note: AllShare uses your device’s Wi-Fi feature. For more informationabout using Wi-Fi, see “Wi-Fi” on page 72.Configuring AllShareConfigure AllShare settings to identify your device as a server,connect to Wi-Fi, and set treatment of copied files.1. From the Home screen, select Applications ➔AllShare.2. Touch Settings to configure settings:• Media server name: Enter a name for the media server, if desired(the default is your device’s default name), then touch Save.• Share media: Choose types of media for sharing, from Sharepicture, Share video, or Share audio, then touch OK.• Access point network: Turn on your Wi-Fi service and connect toan available Wi-Fi Access Point.• Copy from other devices: Set your device’s treatment of filescopied from other devices. Choose from Always accept, Alwaysask, or Always reject, then touch OK.