Section 7: Messaging 79E-mail using an ISPSection 7• Drafts: Drafts contain all E-mail messages that were notcompleted and saved to be sent at a later date.• Inbox: All incoming E-mail arrives and is stored in the Inboxuntil deleted. If memory is full, new messages are rejected.Delete older messages to free up space for incomingmessages.• Outbox: When you send an E-mail, it is stored in the Outboxuntil you ActiveSync with your PC.• Sent Items: Sent Items keeps a record of all sent E-mail fromyour device.Access Outlook Message Folders1. Tap Start in the upper left corner of the screen, then tapMessaging.2. Tap the drop down arrow next to Inbox. A directory offolders for Outlook and Text messages appears in thedisplay.3. Tap the + sign to the left of Outlook to display theOutlook folder hierarchy (if necessary).4. Tap any of the folders in the Outlook directory to view thefolder’s contents.E-mail using an ISPIf you’ve configured the i730 to send E-mail using anInternet Service Provider (ISP), you can send E-maildirectly from the i730 without connecting to your PCthrough ActiveSync.Tip: Before you can send and receive E-mail using your ISP, see thefollowing section, entitled "Setup an ISP" on page 80.