33-1Samsung ElectronicsCIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONRepair Manual3. Circuit Description3-1. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONMain circuit consists of mainly consists of CPU and the controller part with various types of built-in I/O device driver(built-inRISC Processor Core: ARM7TDMI), system memory part, OA980 controlling input of image received from media and con-version, CF(COMPACT storage card) interface part. The following nomenclatures by section is the same as those listed inthe circuit diagram.3-2. MEMORY MAPThe entire Addressing area provided by MAIN CONTROLLER(S3C46MOX(Jupiter3)) is 256MBytes from 0x00000000 to0x10000000, and the Max. Address Range for each External Chip Select is 32M Byte or Half word from 0x000000 to0x01FFFFFF and embodied with Big-Endian Bus interface. MEMORY area is divided into EXTERNAL ROM and RAMareas(See (Figure 1)), and the areas actually used are 8M/8M BYTES SDRAM and 1M BYTES ROM(FLASH MEMORY).0x0FFF_FFFFGCS 7 Area0x0E00_00000x0DFF_FFFFGCS6 Area - DRAM(8MB)0x0C00_00000x0BFF_FFFFReserved0x0A00_00000x09FF_FFFFGCS 4 Area - OA980 PO CS0x0800_00000x07FF_FFFFGCS 3 Area - EXTENDED GPIO0x0600_00000x05FF_FFFFGCS 2 Area - MODEM0x0400_00000x03FF_FFFFGCS 1 Area - OA9800x0200_00000x01FF_FFFFSpecial Registers0x01C0_00000x000F_FFFFProgram Area(1MBused)0x0000_0000USER MEMORY(3MB Start ~ )0xC300000PIXEL TO LINE BUFFER(30KB)0xC2CBC20Chunk Buffer(8KByte)0xC2C9C20Read Print Buffer (32Byte)0xC2C9C00Swath Buffer(300KByte)0xC27EC00Scan Buffer(810KB)0xC1B4400RGB Buffer(30KB)0xC1ACC00ECM Buffer(64KB)0xC19CC00RCP PC FAX Buffer(15KB)0xC199000JPEG DECODE BUFFER(64KB)0xC099000MDM Out Buffer(20KB)0xC094000MDM In Buffer(28KB)0xC08D000JPEG INPUT Buffer(220KB)0xC056000System AREA(344K)0xC000000OASIS Rom Code : 256KB(Sector 15 ~ Sector 18)J3 ROM Code :704KB(Sector 4 ~ Sector 14)Backup Data(Sector 3:32KB)Not Used(Sector 1,2: 16 KB)Boot Rom Code(Sector 0 : 16KB)Flash memory(1MB)SDRAM(8MB)◊MAIN PBA