4.56 MailboxUsing Message CollectionsMessage Collection is logically grouped set of links to messages. Withcollections you can process messages residing in different folders quickly.The same message may be included into several collections.To view the message collections:In the Mailbox window, click the View menu, select MessageCollections and then Show.SmarThru has two predefined collections: New mail and Today’s mail.New mail contains links to all incoming not browsed messages inMailbox. Today’s mail contains links to messages that are received orcreated today. These collections are generated automatically and can notbe filled by the user.Managing CollectionsYou can create new collection, rename or delete existing one.To manage collections, right click in the collection list (on the left of theMessage Collections window) and select desired command. Possibleoptions are New, Rename, and Delete.Managing Messages CollectionsTo operate on messages, right click on the desired message in themessage list (on the right of the Message Collections window). You canopen, print, track a message; you can also remove message fromcollection. Possible options are Open, Print, Remove from collection,Track message, and Add to collection....