TroubleshootingSamsung Electronics 4-43White Black spot • Light or dark blackdots on the imageoccur periodically.• White spots occur inthe image periodi-cally.1. If light or dark periodical blackdots occur, this is because thedeveloper rollers are contami-nated with foreign substance orpaper particles.(1)37.7mm interval :Charged roller(2)94.3mm interval :OPC cycle2. If white spots occur in a blackimage at intervals of 94, 29mm, orblack spots occur elsewhere, theOPC drum is damaged or foreignsubstance is stuck to the surface.3. If a black and white or graphicimage is partially broken at irregu-lar intervals, the transfer roller'slife has been expired or the trans-fer voltage is abnormal.1. In case of 1 above -Run OPC Cleaning Mode Print 4-5 timesrepeatedly to remove. Especially checkforeign substance on the OPC surface,then remove them with a clean gauzemoistened with IPA(Isopropyl Alcohol) notto damage OPC if necessary.Caution : Never use usual alcohol.2. In case of 2If they are not disappeared by runningOPC Cleaning Mode Print 4-5 times.: at intervals of 94.3mm -Replace the developer.: at intervals of 37.7mm -Remove foreign substance, Clean theCharged Roller: Broken image -Replace the developer according tocarelessness.3. In case of 3 - Exchange the transferroller because the life of the transfer rollerin use has been expired. (Check thetransfer voltage and readjust if different.)Recycled product • Poor appearance ofthe developer.• Unclean and roughprintouts.• Bad background inthe image.1. Poor appearance of the devel-oper.(1)Check the damage to label andwhether different materials areused.(2)Check the appearance of partsof the developer, such as frame,hopper.2. Unclean and rough printouts.(1)Check whether foreign sub-stance or toner are stuck to theterminal (contact point) of thedeveloper.(2)Check whether the state of theterminal assembly is normal.1. In case of 1 -(1)If there is an evidence of disassemblingthe developer.(2)If materials other than normal parts ofthe developer are added or substituted.2. In case of 2 - If there are any abnormalsin connection with the situation of 1.(1)It occurs when the developer is recy-cled over 2 times.(2)If toner nearly being expired are col-lected to use, it is judged as the recycleddeveloper.Fault Signs Cause & Check SolutionDigital PrinterDigital PrinterDigital PrinterDigital PrinterDigital Printer