24_ liveliveSplit mode menuThe context sensitive menu in split mode differs, depending on the login/logout status.Menu Descriptiona Scene Mode Refer to “Live Mode”. (Page27)b Audio On/Off Refer to “Audio On/Off”. (Page 30)c Freeze Refer to “Freeze”. (Page 30)d Stop Alarm Stops the alarm output and the event monitoring. Refer to “Event Monitoring”.(Page 31)e Record/Stop Starts/stops the standard recording.f Play Plays the search result (data). Refer to “Search & Play > Play”. (Page 79)g Search Refer to “Search & Play > Search”. (Page 76)h Backup Refer to “Main Menu > Setting the Backup”. (Page 58)i Main Menu Accesses the main menu. Refer to the Using the DVR section. (Page 32)j Shutdown Turns down the DVR.k Show/Hide Launcher Shows or hides the launcher. Refer to “View the Launcher Menu”. (Page 26)l Login/Logout You can log in or out.2013-01-01 01:10:25Scene Mode Audio OffFreezeStop AlarmRecordPlaySearchBackupMain MenuShutdownHide LauncherLogoutcdefghijkbla