4.12 Scan Wizard5. To configure your printer, click Printer Setup on this window to bringup a standard printer setup dialog box.6. Press Copy to start the copying process. The document will bescanned and scaled, and the desired number of copies printed.Your Samsung MFP provides the following five printing method:Scale The printed image will be scaled. Enter the scalingfactor in the Print Scale(%) field.Fit to Page Selecting this option will result in scaling the printedimage to fill the entire page. You may select the desiredpage size using the Fit to Paper drop-down list box.Multiple Page If your scanner supports successive scanning ofper Side multiple images, you may use this option to printseveral images on a single page. The images will besuccessively placed on a page one by one; when thepage is filled, the program will proceed to the nextpage, and so on. The Images per Sheet option definesthe number of images to be placed on each page.Clone This option is used for printing several copies of thesame image on a single page. The Images per Sheetoption defines the number of images to be placed oneach page.