101Safety Informationphone whenever it is forbidden to use it, or whenit may cause interference or danger (in a hospitalfor example).• Operation of any radio transmitting equipment,including cellular phones, may interfere withinadequately protected medical devices. Consulta physician or the manufacturer of the medicaldevice if you have any questions. Other electronicequipment may also be subject to interference.• As with other mobile radio transmitting equipment,you are advised that for satisfactory operationsand personal safety, the equipment should only beused in the normal operating position.• Always switch off the phone when at a refuellingpoint (service station). You are reminded of theneed to observe restrictions on the use of radioequipment in fuel depots (fuel storage anddistribution areas), chemical plants or whereblasting operations are in progress.• Do not store or carry flammable liquids, gases orexplosive materials in the same compartment asthe phone, its parts or accessories.• Switch off your cellular phone when in an aircraft.The use of cellular phones in an aircraft is illegaland may be dangerous to the operation of theaircraft or disrupt the cellular network. Failure toobserve these instructions may lead to thesuspension or denial of cellular telephoneservices to the offender, legal action or both.