Camera and CamCorder• Use the camera module on your phone to take a photo or record a video.SynChroniSation with windowS media PLayer• Transfer music files to your phone directly from the Windows Media Player.mUSiC PLayer• Play music files using your phone as a music player. You can use other phone functions while listening to music.image editor• Edit or decorate your photos.Photo Printing• Print your photos to preserve your best moments forever.Phone to tV• View photos and video clips captured with the phone on your TV screen.oFFLine mode• Switch your phone to Offline mode to use its non-wireless functions while on an airplane.Fm radio• Listen to your favourite radio stations anytime, anywhere.BLUetooth• Transfer media files and personal data, and connect to other devices using wireless Bluetooth technology.FiLe Viewer• Open documents in various formats on the phone without corruption.SoS meSSage• Send SOS messages to your family or friends for help in an theSe gUideLineS BeFore USing yoUr wireLeSS Phone. FaiLUre to ComPLywith them may Be dangeroUS or iLLegaL.driVe SaFeLy at aLL timeS• Do not use a hand-held phone while driving. Park your vehicle first.SwitCh oFF the Phone when reFUeLLing• Do not use the phone at a refuelling point (service station) or near fuels or chemicals.SwitCh oFF in an airCraFt• Wireless phones can cause interference. Using them in an aircraft is both illegal and dangerous.02 FEaTurESFeaturesFeatures / Precautions _02Precautions03 PrECauTiONS