Messages103Note: When the phone fails to send the message, itasks you if you want to retry. Select Yes toconfirm. Otherwise, press the No soft key toreturn to the Create screen.Creating a text message using options1. Create a message.2. Press the Options.3. Select one of the following options:• Add content: allows you to add a sound,melody, picture, or animated image to themessage. Select the category of the object tobe added. In each category, you can selectfrom the various factory-set items or itemsreceived from other sources, such as theInternet or other phones.Note: When you add media objects to amessage, the number of characters youcan enter decreases.• Add templates: allows you to apply one ofthe preset message templates to the text.Select one of 5 items stored in the Templatesbox (Menu 5.1.4). For further details, seepage 106.• Add from phonebook: allows you to add aPhone book entry to your message. Select onefrom the list.• Add from bookmark: allows you to add aweb page’s address stored in your Favorite list.Select one from the list.4. Complete the message, and send or save it byfollowing the procedure from step 2 onpage 102.