as an optional extra please call 150 from your Orangepay monthly phone or 07973 100 150 from any otherphone. Small Business customers should call 345from their Orange phone or 07973 100 345 from anyother phone and Business Solutions customers shouldcall 158 from their Orange phone or 07973 100 158from any other phone. Pay as you go customerscan purchase Orange Care by calling 450 from theirOrange phone or 07973 100 450 from any otherphone.2 insurance terms2.1 Orange Personal Communications Services Limited(Orange) is monitored by HSBC Insurance BrokersLimited which is a member of the General InsuranceStandards Council.2.2 Orange is authorised by the insurer to collectpremiums, to accept or decline claims, to arrangerepairs and issue replacement phones on behalf ofthe insurer. For the purposes of this Insurance “phone"means handset, standard battery, SIM card andcharger, originally supplied as part of the standardpackage.2.3 The Insurance is arranged with an authorised insurerwhose details are available upon request to HSBCInsurance Brokers Limited, Quay West, Trafford WharfRoad, Manchester, M17 1PL.2.4 The following paragraphs describe the conditions andreference191allowing access to your Orange accountIt can sometimes be useful for someone else to haveaccess to your account, for example if you have more thanone Orange phone in your name. As an account holder youcan choose to allow information only access and accesswhich will allow changes to be made. Please call customerservices who will send you a form.Orange useful bookletsIf you would like to receive a free booklet containing usefulinformation on an Orange product or service call OrangeCustomer services on 07973 973 150 or, if you are a payas you go customer, 450 from your Orange phone.Orange Care terms and conditions1 interpretation1.1 In these terms and conditions Insurance refers to theprovisions of clause 3 and Warranty to the provisionsof clause 7, together Insurance and Warranty arereferred to as Orange Care.1.2 Orange Care is subject at all times to the provisionsof these terms and conditions and does not apply andcannot be purchased in relation to any second lineactivated on your Orange phone. (Orange Care onlyapplies to approved and Orange branded phones).1.3 To check whether your chosen service plan includesOrange Care or requires Orange Care to be purchasedreference190