Enter textPinyin, PTI, Stroke, Quick English, English, Number, andSymbol modesYou can enter text for some features, such asMessages, Phonebook, or Calendar, by using Pinyin,PTI, and Stroke modes for Chinese, and Quick Englishand English modes for English. You can also enterKorean, numbers and symbols.Using Chinese Pinyin modePinyin is a system to enter Chinese words by spellingthem phonetically (how they sound) using the Latinalphabet. With the Pinyin input method, you can enterChinese characters by keying in the Pinyin string usingthe phone’s keypad.Entering characters in Pinyin mode1. Press the keys corresponding to the phoneticspelling, referring to the letters printed on theD528.book Page 22 Thursday, March 23, 2006 1:47 PM