SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without noticehas 16 bit data line, HD[0~15] which is connected to OM6357. It has 23 bit address lines,HA[1~23]. NCSFLASH_NAND and NCSRAM signals is chip select.Writing process, HWR_N is low and it enables writing process to flash memory and SRAM.During reading process, HRD_N is low and it enables reading process to flash memory andSRAM. Each chip select signals in the OM6357 select memory among 2 flash memory andUtRAM.Reading or writing procedure is processed after HWR_N or HRD_N is enabled. Memories usereset, which is VDD3 delay from PCF50601. HA[22] signal enables lower byte of SRAM andHA[22] signal enables higher byte of SRAM.10. OM6357OM6357 is consisted of ARM core and DSP core. It has 8x1Kword on-chip program/data RAM,55 Kwords on-chip program ROM in the DSP. It has 4K*32bits ROM and 2K*32bits RAM in theARM core. DSP is consisted of KBS, JTAG, EMI and UART. ARM core is consisted of EMI,PIC(Programmable Interrupt Controller), reset/power/clock unit, DMA controller, TIC(Test InterfaceController), eripheral bridge, PPI, SSI(Synchronous Serial Interface), ACC(Asynchronouscommunications controllers), timer, ADC, RTC(Real-Time Clock) and keyboard interface.KBIO(0:7), address lines of DSP core and HD[0~15]. HA[1~23], address lines of ARM core andHD[0~15], data lines of ARM core are connected to memory.NCSRAM, NCSFLASH_NAND in the ARM core are connected to each memory. HWR_N andHRD_N control the process of memory. External IRQ(Interrupt Request) signals from each units,such as, PMU need the compatible process.KBIO[0~7] receive the status from key and RXD0/TXD0/IrDA_DOWN are used for thecommunications using IRDA and data link cable(DEBUG_DTR/RTS/TXD/RXD/CTS/DSR).It has JTAG control pins(TDI/TDO/TCK) for ARM core and DSP core. It receives 13MHz clockin CKI pin from external TCXO. ADC(Analog to Digital Convertor) part receives the status oftemperature, battery type and battery voltage.11. TCO-9141G(26MHz)This system uses the 26MHz TCXO, TCO-9141G, Toyocom. AFC control signal from OM6357controls frequency from 26MHz X-tal. The clock output frequency of UAA3536HN is 13MHz.This clock is connected to OM6357, YMU762.