Step outside the phone26Use BluetoothYour phone is equipped with Bluetoothtechnology, enabling you to connect the phonewirelessly to other Bluetooth devices andexchange data with them, talk hands-free, orcontrol the phone remotely.3. Select Recipients.4. Enter the phone numbers towhich you want to send theSOS message and press[ ].5. Press <Options> andselect Save.6. Press <Yes> to send anotification to the registerednumbers.In Idle mode, with the phoneclosed, press [ / ] 4 times.The phone sends the SOSmessage.Set up SOSmessageoptions(continued)Send theSOSmessage1. In Idle mode, press<Menu> and selectApplications → Bluetooth→ Activation → On.2. Select My phone’svisibility → On to allowother devices to find yourphone.Turn onBluetooth