SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice2-2-3. KeyThis is consisted of key interface pins KEY_ROW(0:4) and KEY_COL(0:4) in PCF5213EL1. These signals compose thematrix. Result of matrix informs the key status to key interface in the PCF5213EL1. Power on/off key is seperated fromthe matrix. So power on/off signal is connected with PCF50603 to enable PCF50603. Key LED is consisted of sixteenblue LEDs.key LED use the 3.3V LDO(U606) for a supply voltage. KEY_LED_ON signal enables eight white LED."FLIP" informs the status of slide (up or down) to the PCF5213EL1. This uses the hall effect IC, EM-1681-FT(U607).A magnet under LCD enables EM-1681-FT.2-2-4. EMI ESD Filter(F501,F502)This system uses the EMI ESD filter, F501,F502 to protect noise from IF CONNECTOR part.2-2-5. IF connetor(IFC500)It is 18-pin connector. They are designed to use VBAT, V_EXT_CHARGE, USB_D+, +VBUS, USB_D-, TXD1, RXD1,AUX_ON, EXT1, EXT2 and GND. They connected to power supply IC, microprocessor and signal processor IC.2-2-6. Battery Charge Management IC(U503)A complete constant-current/constant-voltage linear charger for single cell lithium-ion batteries is used.If TA connected to phone, "V_EXT_CHARGE" enable charger IC and supply current to battery.When fault condition caused, "CHG_ON" signal level change low to high and charger IC stop charging process.2-2-7. AudioHFR_P and HFR_N from PCF5213EL1 are connected to the main speaker via analog switches. MIC_P and MIC_Nare connected to the main MIC as well. EAR1 is the source of External Speaker. YMU762 is a synthesizer LSI formobile phones. This LSI has a built-in speaker amplifier for outputting sounds that are used by mobile phones in additionto game sounds and ringing melodies that are replayed by a synthesizer.The synthesizer section adopts stereophonic hybrid synthesizer system that are given advantages of both FMsynthesizers and Wave Table synthesizers to allow simultaneous generation of up to 32 FM voices and 32 WaveTable voices.It provides simultaneous generation of up to 40 tones by stereophonic hybrid synthesizer.YMU762 has built a speaker amplifier of which maximum out is 580 mW at SPVDD=3.6V in this device.There is Stereophonic analog output for Headphone.2-2-8. Memory(U303)This system uses Samsung's memory, KAP17SG00A. The KAP17SG00A is a Multi Chip Package Memory whichcombines 256Mbit Synchronous Burst Multi Bank NOR Flash Memory and two 512Mbit OneNAND Flash and128Mbit Synchronous Burst UtRAM.It has 16 bit data line, HD[1~16] which is connected to PCF5213EL1 and MV3018SAQ, also has 24 bit address lines,HA[1~24]. There are 3 chip select signals, CS0n_FLASH, CS4n_NAND, and CS1n_RAM.In the Writing process, WEn is fallen to low and it enables writing process to operate. During reading process,OEn is fallen to low and it enables reading process to operate. Each chip select signals in the PCF5213EL1 choosedifferent memories.