Menu functions Calendar (Menu 7)67• before: set how long before the event thealarm is to alert you.• Alarm time: enter the time for the alarm tosound.• AM/PM: select AM or PM in the 12-hour timeformat.• Alarm tone: select an alarm tone.• Repeat every year: select to set the phone toremind you of the anniversary every year.4. Press <Save> to save the anniversary.Entering a To-do item1. Select a date on the calendar.2. Press <Options> and select Create → To do.3. Enter information or change the settings:• To do: enter information about the item.• Start date: enter the starting date.• Due date: enter the ending date.• Priority: select a priority level.4. Press <Save> to save the item.Viewing an itemOnce you have scheduled items, the following iconsand the number of items for a specific day appear atthe bottom of the calendar.Accessing an item1. Select a date on the calendar to display the itemsfor the day.2. Select an item to view its details.3. Press [Left] or [Right] to access the other itemsscheduled for the selected day.Using optionsWhile viewing an item, press <Options> to accessthe following options:• Edit: edit the item.• Create: add a new item.• Send via: send the item via SMS, MMS, e-mail, orBluetooth.• Schedule item • Anniversary• To-do item • Miscellaneous item