SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without noticeExploded View/Disassembly&Assembly Instructions5-7This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization1) When inserting the FPCB and when in order, becareful not to damage not the FPCB.2) When inserting the camera module, be careful notto damage not the FPCB.1)When inserting the motor and the speaker, it paysattention in WIRE control.1) When attaching the TAPE, be careful not todamage camera FPCB at pincette.1) When inserting the FPCB, be careful not to damagethe FPCB.2) When attaching an insulation TAPE, be carefulnot to cover the LCD.1 2341) Insert the Camera FPCB to CONNECTOR2) Insert the camera into FOLDER LOWERbefore LCD moudle inserting.3) I n s e r t t h e L C D C O N N E C T O RF P C B t o H I N G E1) Insert the Moter into Lower2) Twist the Speker Wire three times3) Insert the Speker into Lower1) To a base line, attach the insulationTAPE and cushion TAPE on cameraCONNECTOR top.2) Attach the EL Sheet damage preventioncushion TAPE like the figure.1) Using the pincette, insert The EL SHEET FPCBin the CONNECTOR.2) Attach the fixation insulation TAPE above theconnector.― Assembly