Call functions29• Mute keys/Send keys: switch the keytones off or on.• Address book: access the contact list.• Send DTMF: send the DTMF (Dual tonemulti-frequency) tones as a group. TheDTMF tones are the tones used in phones fortone dialling, sounding when you press thenumber keys. This option is helpful forentering a password or an account numberwhen you call an automated system, like abanking service.• Short message: access SMS messages inthe Inbox or Outbox. You can also create andsend a new SMS message.• Transfer: transfer the currently active callto a caller on hold. The two callers can talkto each other, but you are disconnected fromthe call.• End held call: disconnect the call currentlyon hold.• Remove: remove the selected participant.• SIM AT: access additional services providedby your SIM card, such as news, weatherforecast, sports, entertainment, and locationservices. This option is available if you use aSIM card supporting SIM Application Toolkitmenus.To communicate with answering machines orcomputerised telephone systems, Sendkeys must be selected.