Phone settings171Auto redial (Menu 9-5)With the Auto redial function, the phone makes upto ten attempts to redial a phone number after anunsuccessful call.Note: The interval between two call attempts varies.The following options are available:Off: the number is not redialled.On: the number is redialled automatically.Voiceclarity (Menu 9-6)This Voiceclarity feature makes received sound loudand clear during a call.It is useful when you are in a noisy place.The following options are available:Off: allows you to turn off this feature.On: allows you to turn on this feature.Slide settings (Menu 9-7)You can select the phone’s action when you slidethe folder up or down.Up: you can select either None or Accep call.If you select the None option, you have to press akey to answer a call, depending on the setting ofthe Anykey answer option.Otherwise if you select the Accep call option, youcan simply slide the folder up to answer a call.