DeclaratiFor the following prodGSM900/GSM18Portable Cellula(Product description)SGH-E730(Model Name)Manufactured at:Samsung Electronics C(factory name, addresto which this declarationstandards and/or otherSafety : EN 6095EMC : EN 301EN 301EN 301SAR : EN 5036EN 5036Network : EN 301EN 300We hereby declare the [and that] the above namrequirements of DirectivThe conformity assessmAnnex[IV] of Directive 19the following Notified BoBABT, Balfour HouseWalton-on-Thames, SIdentification mark:The technical documentSamsung Electrowhich will be made ava(Representative in the ESamsung ElectronicsBlackbushe BusinessYateley, Hampshire,2005. 04. 27(place and date of iss* This is not the address of thenumber of the Samsung Servwhere you purchased your ph