21You can copy music files to thememory card by synchronisingwith Windows Media Player 11.You must use a 128 MBmemory card or larger.1. In Idle mode, press<Menu> and selectSettings → Phonesettings → USB settings →Media transfer.2. Connect your phone and PCwith an optional PC datacable.3. Select Sync digital mediafiles to this device when apop-up window appears onyour PC.SynchronisewithWindowsMedia Player4. Enter the name of yourphone and click Finish.5. Select and drag the musicfiles you want to the synclist.6. Click Start Sync.7. When synchronisation isfinished, disconnect thephone from the PC• Do not remove the memory card from thephone or unplug the PC data cable whilesynchronising. It can cause data loss orerrors in the music playlist.• If you use the phone to format the memorycard, all licenses and WM DRM files will beerased.