Fun box122For further details about these options, see theoptions of the Photos menu (see page 120).Delete allThis option deletes all of the photos, images andsounds in the Media box.Photos1. Scroll to a box and place a check mark ahead itby pressing the Select soft key.Selecting All places check marks on all of theitems. If you want to delete the protectedphotos and the caller ID photos, select the Withprotected photos option and the With callerID photos option.2. If necessary, repeat step 1 to check anotherbox.3. When you have finished checking, press the Oksoft key.4. When a confirming message appears, press theYes soft key to delete all of the photos in thebox(es).Otherwise, press the No soft key.ImagesWhen a confirming message appears, press the Yessoft key to delete all of the images.Otherwise, press the No soft key.