Internet105InternetThis menu selection (Menu 7) opens the Internet Browser andautomatically accesses the Rogers home page. You can also view otherInternet sites, view sites saved as Bookmarks, create Bookmarks, clearyour cache or manage cookies.Accessing an Internet SiteThere are two ways to access an Internet site:♦Select a link on the screen♦Select a bookmark in the Bookmarks list (see “Bookmarks” on page 107).Using the Internet BrowserWhile using the Internet Browser, the following navigational controls areavailable:To Pressscroll through and selectbrowser itemsup or down navigation keys until the item ishighlighted, then press [ ] to confirmselect a numbered item corresponding numeric keyreturn to the previous page <Options> and select Go → Backward,or press [ ]return to the startup homepage <Options> and select Go to Homepageexit the browser [ ]