28Sweep the pop-up to the left to see additional settings.• Mobile data: Disables mobile data so you can no longer useapplications such as Browser, Email, and YouTube using amobile network.• Power saving: When enabled, your device automaticallyanalyzes the screen and adjusts the brightness to conservebattery power. For more information, refer to “PowerSaving” on page 184.• Airplane mode: Touch to enable or disable Airplane mode. Formore information, refer to “Airplane Mode” on page 176.• Driving mode: New notifications are read aloud when enabled.• Sync: Synchronizes your device with the network.Synchronizes contacts, email, time, and a variety of accounts.• Brightness: Touch and drag the slider to set the brightness ortouch Auto to allow the device to set brightness automaticallybased on available light and battery charge status. For moreinformation, refer to “Brightness” on page 181.• Settings: Touch to open the Settings application. For moreinformation, refer to “Settings” on page 173.• Notifications: Displays system notifications. For moreinformation, refer to “Notifications” on page 26.4. Touch Clear to remove Notification Icons from theSystem Bar.5. Touch a notification entry to display the details.6. Close the Quick Settings by touching X in the upper,right corner of the Quick Settings pop-up or bytouching outside the Quick Settings screen.Quick Settings also display icons under the Notificationsheading to alert you to activity on the tablet such as newmessages, application downloads, software updates, andmore. The following table lists those icons.Download Successful: A recent application downloador update completed successfully.New Email Message: You have new email. TouchReply to view and answer the email.New Gmail Message: You have new Gmail. Touch theicon for additional information.Google Talk Invitation: Someone has invited you tochat using Google Talk.Wi-Fi networks available: An open Wi-Fi network isin range.