SwitCh oFF the Phone near aLL mediCaL eqUiPment• Hospitals or health care facilities may be using equipment that could be sensitive to external radiofrequency energy. Follow any regulations or rules in force.Be aware oF SPeCiaL regULationS• Meet any special regulations in force in any area and always switch off your phone whenever it isforbidden to use it, or when it may cause interference or danger.water reSiStanCe• Your phone is not water-resistant. Keep it dry.SenSiBLe USe• Use only in the normal position (held to your ear). Avoid unnecessary contact with the antenna whenthe phone is switched on.emergenCy CaLLS• Key in the emergency number for your present location, then press .KeeP yoUr Phone away From SmaLL ChiLdren• Keep the phone and all its parts, including acces sories, out of the reach of small children.aCCeSSorieS and BatterieS• Use only Samsung-approved batteries and accessories, such as headsets and PC data cables.Use of any unauthorised accessories could damage you or your phone and may be dangerous.qUaLiFied SerViCe• Only qualified service personnel may repair your phone03 PrECauTiONSPrecautionsPrecautions / Phone Layout _0303 PhONE LayOuTPhone Layoutthe following illustrations show the main elements of your phone:earPieCediSPLayPower/menU exit Keyright SoFt KeySPeCiaLFUnCtion KeySdeLete KeyVoLUme KeySLeFt SoFt KeymemoryCard SLotCamera LenSmULti-FUnCtionjaCKCamera KeyweB aCCeSS/ConFirm/naVigation Key(UP/down/LeFt/right)diaL KeyaLPhanUmeriCKeySmoUthPieCe