17• Receive via Bluetooth.• Copy to a memory cardand insert the card intothe phone.1. In Idle mode, press [OK]and select Mediaplayer.2. Scroll to the Music tab.3. Press <Options> andselect Create playlist.4. Enter the title of theplaylist and press<Save>.5. Select the added playlist.6. Press <Options> andselect Add → a source.7. Select a playlist or selectthe files you want andpress <Add>.8. Press [OK] to playmusic.Create aplaylist1. Select the file you wantto play.2. During playback, use thefollowing keys:• OK: pause or resumeplayback.• Left: return to theprevious file. Pressand hold to scanbackward in a file.• Right: skip to thenext file. Press andhold to scan forwardin a file.• Up: open the currentplaylist.• / : adjust thevolume.3. Press [Down] to stopplayback.Play musicfiles