Step outside the phone22View messages1. In Idle mode, press< > and select Createmessage ā Email.2. Enter the email text.3. Press <Options> andselect Add attachmentor Create item.4. Add a media file, contact,calendar item, orbookmark item.5. Press [Up] to move to thesubject field.6. Enter the email subject.7. Press [Up] to move to therecipient field.8. Enter email addresses.9. Press <Options> andselect Send to send theemail.Send anemail 1. In Idle mode, press< > and select Inbox.2. Select a text message.1. In Idle mode, press< > and select Inbox.2. Select a multimediamessage.1. In Idle mode, press< > and select Emailinbox.2. Press <Options> andselect Download.3. Select an email or aheader.4. If you selected a header,press <Options> andselect Retrieve to viewthe body of the email.View a textmessageView amultimediamessageView anemail