45using tools and applicationsStop an alarmWhen the alarm sounds,• Press any key to stop an alarm without snooze.• Press <OK> or [ ] to stop an alarm with snoozeor press any key to silence the alarm for thesnooze period.Deactivate an alarm1. In Idle mode, press <Menu> → Applications →Alarm.2. Scroll to the alarm you want to deactivate andpress <Options> → Select.3. Scroll left or right to select Off.4. Press <Options> → Save.Create a timetableLearn to create timetables for business meetings orclasses.Create your timetable for businessmeeting1. In Idle mode, press <Menu> → Applications →Time table.2. Press <Options> → New Meeting.3. Enter the details of the meeting and press [ ].4. Scroll to the cells on the timetable and press [ ]to set the meeting at that time.5. Press <Save>.