• Prevent batteries from contacting metal objects, as this can create a connection between the + and - terminalsof your batteries and lead to temporary or permanent battery damage.• Never use a damaged charger or battery.handLe yoUr Phone careFULLy and SenSiBLy• Do not allow your phone to get wet—liquids can cause serious damage. Do not handle your phone with wethands. Water damage to your phone can void your manufacturer’s warranty.• Avoid using or storing your phone in dusty, dirty areas to prevent damage to moving parts.• Your phone is a complex electronic device— protect it from impacts and rough handling to avoid seriousdamage.• Do not paint your phone, as paint can clog moving parts and prevent proper operation.• Avoid using the phone’s camera flash or light close to the eyes of children or animals.avoid interFerence With other eLectronic deviceS• Your phone emits radio frequency (RF) signals that may interfere with unshielded or improperly shieldedelectronic equipment, such as pacemakers, hearing aids, medical devices, and other electronic devicesin homes or vehicles. Consult the manufacturers of your electronic devices to solve any interferenceproblems you experience.03 PrECauTiONSPrecautionsPrecautions / Phone Layout _0303 PhONE LayOuTPhone LayoutdiSPLayearPieceMenU acceSS/conFirM keyMoUthPiecePoWer/MenUexit keyright SoFtkey4-Waynavigation keyMULtiFUnctionJackaLPhanUMerickeySLeFt SoFtkeydiaL keySPeciaL FUnctionkeySvoLUMe keycaMera LenS Forvideo caLLScaMera LenSFLahBULBcaMera keyMeMory card SLotBatterycoverinternaLantenna