39using tools and applicationsTo use the Bluetooth wireless feature,1. Open an image.2. Press <Options> → Print via → Bluetooth.3. Select a Bluetooth-enabled printer and pair withthe printer. X p. 374. Set print options and print the image.Activate the mobile trackerWhen someone inserts a new SIM or USIM card inyour phone, the mobile tracker feature willautomatically send the contact number to tworecipients to help you locate and recover yourphone.To activate the mobile tracker,1. In Idle mode, press [OK] → Settings → Security→ Mobile tracker.2. Enter your password and press <Confirm>.3. Scroll left or right to On.4. Scroll down and press [OK] to open the recipientlist.5. Press <Options> → Phonebook to open yourcontact list.6. Scroll to a contact and press <Select>.7. Select a number (if necessary).8. When you are finished selecting contacts, press[OK] to return to the recipient list.9. Scroll down and enter the sender’s name.10. Press <Options> → Save → <Accept>.