29CCaallll FFuunnccttiioonnss28CCaallll FFuunnccttiioonnssIn-Call OptionsYour phone provides a number of control functionsthat you can use during a call. To access thesefunctions during a call, press the Options soft key.Switching the Microphone Off (Mute)You can temporarily switch your phone’s microphoneoff, so that the other party cannot hear you.Example: You wish to say something to anotherperson in the room but do not want theother party to hear you.To switch the microphone off temporarily, proceed asfollows.1. Press the Options soft key.2. Push up or down to highlight the Muteoption.3. Press the OK soft key.Your correspondent can no longer hear you.To switch the microphone back on, proceed asfollows.1. Press the Options soft key.2. Push up or down to highlight the Unmuteoption.3. Press the OK soft key.Your correspondent can hear you again.Searching for a Number in the PhonebookYou can search for a number in the phonebook duringa call.1. Press the Options soft key.2. Push up or down to highlight the Phonebookoption.3. Press the OK soft key.4. Enter the start of the name that you wish to findand press the Find soft key.Note: You can also scroll through the phonebookfrom the beginning, by pressing the Findsoft key directly.The phonebook entries are listed, starting withthe first entry matching your input. This entry isalso highlighted.5. To view the highlighted entry, press the View softkey.For a more detailed description of the Phonebooksearch feature, refer to page 40.