Network Services127Outside Access: lets you enable or disable calls tonumbers other than those nominated for the Closed UserGroup. This feature depends on the nature of your CUGsubscription. Please check with your service provider.Default Group: you may set a default CUG with yourservice provider. If you have done so, you can enable theDefault Group option on your phone. When making a call,you are given the option of using your default CUG,instead of selecting one from the list.Deactivate: deactivates the CUG function. This menuappears only when the default group is enabled or a CUGindex is selected.To Press thescroll through theexisting CUGindexor key.add a new CUGindexOptions soft key, selectthe Add option and enterthe index.delete a CUG Options soft key andselect the Delete option.activate a CUGindexOptions soft key andselect the Activateoption.