October 31, 2001 SGH-Q105 53Phone Book Optionswithout saving the name and number, pressthe “End” key.Phone Book OptionsWhen storing or viewing the phone book entries,“Options” is displayed in the lower left side of thescreen.The following options are available:• Paste• Edit• Erase• Copy• Caller GroupAccessing Options1. Press the “Options” softkey to display theavailable options for the phone book entry.2. Scroll up or down through the options usingthe arrow key or press the correspondingnumber on the keypad to select.PasteThis option allows you to paste the phone booknumber into the normal dialing mode. This ishelpful if you need to dial a number similar to theone stored in the phone book. Use the back arrowsoftkey to edit the number.To paste a number:1. View the desired phone book entry.2. Press the “Options” softkey.3. Press “1” to “Paste” the number.4. The number is displayed on the screen. Usethe right softkey to delete one number at atime.