Applications 69• Send Message : displays the Create Text Messagescreen.• Lookup : allows you use a voice command to locate anddisplay contact information stored in the Contacts list.• Go To : accesses all the features of your phone if they areactivated, such as: Voice mail, Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, andBrowser.• Check : lets you check your phone's status in the samereport (Status, Messages, Missed Calls, Time, Signal strength,Network, Battery, My Phone Number, and Volume).While the Say a Command screen displays you have two options:• Tutorial: provides examples of how to use the voice commands.• Settings: lists the settings for voice command software such as:Confirmation, Adaptation, Audio Modes, Speakerphone, and About.Speak clearly when giving your command. There is no need to speakslowly or with added emphasis. The voice recognition software hasbeen optimized to understand your speech in its natural form. If it doesnot recognize your command after a few seconds, a voice promptasks you to repeat the command. If it does not recognize yourcommand again, the following message displays “Sorry, no matchfound,” and voice recognition turns off.You must end your current Voice Commands call before you canmake another call using Voice Commands. You can only originate thefirst call in a 3-way call using Voice Commands.Voice Recognition Tips• Wait for the tone before you speak.• Speak clearly and at a normal volume. PreviousNext |