WAP Browser113Starting the WAP BrowserTo start the WAP Browser when the idle screen is displayedpress the key or press the Menu soft key, followed by the8, 1 and 1 keys.A connection is established with your service provider and thecorresponding homepage is displayed.The content of the WAP Browser startup homepage depends onyour Wireless Web service provider. To scroll through thescreen, use the and keys.Note: To access the startup homepage from any other screen in the WAPBrowser, use the Home option. For more information on the WAPBrowser menus, refer to...Exiting the WAP BrowserTo exit the browser at any time, simply press the key orpress and hold down the key.Clear Cache Clears the information stored in the cache(the phone’s temporary memory used to storethe most recently accessed Web pages).PushMessageIn this menu option, you can receive andaccess web messages from the server. Thefollowing options are available:Inbox: allows you to read the messagesreceived from the web server.Receive: allows you to set whether or not yourphone receives web messages.Delete All: allows you to delete all of the webmessages.Option Description