89Important! If your account settings could not obtainedautomatically, tap Edit details, update the Domainand Exchange server information, an tap Next.4. If prompted, read the Activation popup information andtap OK.5. If prompted, read the Remote security administrationpopup information and tap OK.6. Review the Account options screen. Available optionsvary, depending on the provider:• Peak schedule: Set how often to check for new email sent tothis account during peak times. Options are: Push (Automatic),Manual, every 5 or 15 minutes, or every 1, 4, or 12 hours.• Off-peak schedule: Set how often to check for new email sentto this account during off-peak times. Options are: Push(Automatic), Manual, every 5 or 15 minutes, or every 1, 4, or12 hours.• Period to sync Email: For Exchange ActiveSync accounts, setwhether to store All, 1 or 3 days, 1 or 2 weeks, or 1 month ofemail on the tablet.• Email check frequency: Set how often to check for new email.Options are: Never, Every 5, 10, 15, or 30 minutes, Every hour,Every 4 hours, or Once a day.• Emails retrieval size: Set the maximum email retrieval size.Options are: Headers only, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, or100 KB,or All.• Period to sync Calendar: Set how much of the calendar forthis account to sync with your tablet. Options are: 2 weeks, 1,3, or 6 months, or All calendar.• Send email from this account by default: When enabled,email from your device is automatically sent from this account.• Notify me when email arrives: When enabled, you receivenotifications when you receive new email sent to this account.• Sync Email: When enabled, email from your account issynchronized with your device’s email.• Sync Contacts: When enabled, contacts from your accountare synchronized with your device’s Contacts.• Sync Calendar: When enabled, events from your account aresynchronized with your device’s Calendar.• Sync Task: When enabled, tasks from your account aresynchronized with your device’s Calendar.