Changing Your Settings 196Setting an Unlock PatternCreating a screen unlock pattern increases security on thephone. When you enable the User visible pattern field, you willdraw an unlock pattern on the screen whenever you want tounlock the phone’s buttons or touch screen. When you activatethe User tactile feedback field, you feel vibration as feedbackwhile drawing the pattern.1. Press ➔ and then tap (Settings) ➔Location and security.2. Tap Set screen lock ➔ Pattern.3. Read the instructions then tap Next.4. Review the onscreen animation procedure for drawing apattern and tap Next when you are ready to draw a pattern.5. Draw your pattern by touching your first on-screen point.Then, without removing your finger from the screen, dragyour finger over adjacent points until the gray trace lineoverlaps each point and they are highlighted with a greencircle.6. When you have connected at least four dots in a vertical,horizontal or diagonal direction, lift your finger from thescreen and tap Continue.7. Confirm the new pattern by redrawing it and then tappingConfirm. The Unlock pattern is set.Changing the Screen Lock PatternThis feature allows you to change the previously stored unlockpattern and update it if necessary. This process is similar tochanging your password from time to time.1. Press ➔ and then tap (Settings) ➔Location and security.2. Tap Set screen lock ➔ Change screen lock.3. Retrace your current pattern on the screen.4. Tap Pattern and repeat steps 3 - 7 from the previoussection.Using Visible a PatternWhen enabled, this feature displays the onscreen lock grid that isused to unlock the phone.Using Tactile FeedbackWhen enabled, the User tactile feedback option, you will feelvibration as feedback while drawing the pattern.