Organizer99Calculator (Menu 5.5)With this feature, you can use the phone as a calculator.The calculator provides the basic arithmetic functions;addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.1. Enter the first number using the numeric keys.Note: To include a decimal point or a bracket, press the leftsoft key until the symbol you want displays.2. Press the right soft key until the symbol you wantdisplays: + (addition), - (subtraction), *(multiplication), / (division).3. Enter the second number.4. To view the result, press the key.Currency Exchange (Menu 5.6)Using this menu, you can figure currency conversions.1. Enter the current exchange rate of your source currencyand press the OK soft key.You can insert a decimal point by pressing the key.2. Enter the amount to convert and press the OK soft key.The amount you entered and its equivalent valuedisplay.3. Press the Exit soft key to exit the currency converter.