Organiser125World time: allows you to find out what time it isin another part of the world and apply DaylightSavings Time, the summer time adjustment used inmay countries.The screen shows the:• city name.• current time and date.• time difference between the selected city andyour city if you have set your local time (seebelow for further details).To select your time zone:1. Select the city corresponding to your time zoneby pressing the Left or Right key one or moretimes.The local time and date display.2. Press the Options soft key.3. Select Save and press the Select soft key.To apply Daylight Savings Time:1. On the World map, press the Options soft key.2. Select Set daylight saving time and press theSelect soft key.3. Scroll to the time zone to which you want toapply the adjustment using the Up or Down key.4. Press the Mark soft key to pace a check mark.To remove a check mark, press the Unmark softkey.5. If necessary, repeat steps 3 and 4.6. Press the Save soft key.