Health and safety informationEmergency callsThis phone, like any wireless phone, operates usingradio signals, wireless, and landline networks as wellas user-programmed functions, which cannotguarantee connection in all conditions. Therefore,you should never rely solely on any wireless phonefor essential communications like medicalemergencies.To make or receive calls, the phone must beswitched on and in a service area with adequatesignal strength. Emergency calls may not bepossible on all wireless phone networks or whencertain network services and/or phone features arein use. Check with local service providers.To make an emergency call:1. Switch on the phone.2. Key in the emergency number for your presentlocation. Emergency numbers vary by location.3. Press [ ].Other important safety information• Only qualified personnel should service thephone or install the phone in a vehicle. Faultyinstallation or service may be dangerous andmay invalidate any warranty applicable to thedevice.• Check regularly that all wireless phoneequipment in your vehicle is mounted andoperating properly.• Do not store or carry flammable liquids, gases,or explosive materials in the same compartmentas the phone, its parts, or accessories.• For vehicles equipped with an air bag, rememberthat an air bag inflates with great force. Do notplace objects, including installed or portablewireless equipment, in the area over the air bagor in the air bag deployment area. Improperlyinstalled wireless equipment could result inserious injury if the air bag inflates.• Switch off your phone before boarding an