SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without noticeExploded View and Parts List2-4This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization-Use the disjointing toolcertainly.-Be careful a break at thetime of disjointingbecauserear is soft material.2-3. Disassembly14321) Disjoint the locker while pressing a crack ofRear SIM connector part with disjointing tool.※ caution1) Be careful not to be scratched or made scaron the SET.2) Be careful not to be damaged on the Rear atthe time of disjointing.1) Disjoint the locker while pressing a crack ofRear Volume key part with disjointing tool.2) Disjoint the locker while pressing a crack of theright lower part of Rear with disjointing tool.3) Disassemble the rear.※ caution1) Be careful not to be scratched or made scaron the SET.2) Be careful not to be damaged on the Rear atthe time of disjointing.1) Remove screw/RF cap of rear2) Unscrew 4 points of Rear※ caution1) Disjoint the locker while pressing a crack ofRear camera part with disjointing tool.1) Disjoint the locker while pressing a crack ofRear camera part with disjointing tool.※ caution1) Be careful not to be scratched or made scaron the SET.2) Be careful not to be damaged on the Rear atthe time of disjointing.