Synchronising information652. Select Connection and enter your Microsoft Exchangeuser name, password, and domain name.3. If you want the device to save your password so that youneed not enter it when connecting, select Save passwordcheck box.4. In the Server Name field, enter name of your Exchangeserver to which you want to connect.5. If you want to set the frequency to sync to your serverwhen connected to a PC, press the Menu soft key andselect Rules and then select desired options.6. When finished, press the Done soft key.7. If items change on both your device and server, conflictswill arise during synchronisation. To change the rules forresolving, on the Server Settings screen, select Conflictsand select desired option.To change Exchange server synchronisation settings:1. In ActiveSync on your Smartphone, press the Menu softkey and select Option → Server Settings.2. Select the types of information that you want tosynchronise with the server: Calendar, Contacts, or Inbox.3. Do one of the following:• To start synchronising Calendar, Contacts, or Inboxinformation, select Sync [Information Type] with aserver on the appropriate synchronisation settingspage.