Text displayYou can convert speech to text and watch closed captions when viewing multimedia.◌ From Settings, tap Accessibility > Hearing enhancements and tap an option:• Live Transcribe: Use the microphone to record speech and convert it to text.• Live Caption: Automatically caption speech in media played on your device.• Google subtitles (CC): Configure closed caption and subtitle services.• Sound detectors: Receive alerts when the device detects a baby crying or adoorbell.Interaction and dexterityYou can configure Accessibility features to assist with limited dexterity wheninteracting with your device.Alternate inputYou can control your device using different kinds of inputs and controls.◌ From Settings, tap Accessibility > Interaction and dexterity and tap an option:• Universal switch: Control your device with your customized switches.• Assistant menu: Improve device accessibility for users with reduced dexterity.158Settings