Basics29Samsung CloudBack up data from your previous device to Samsung Cloud and restore the data to your newdevice. You must register and sign in to your Samsung account to use Samsung Cloud. Referto Samsung account for more information.Backing up data1 On your previous device, sign in to your Samsung account.2 Launch the Settings app, select the backup option, and back up your data.• If your device supports Samsung Cloud, launch the Settings app, tap Cloud andaccounts → Samsung Cloud → Backup settings, and then back up your data.• The data backup method may vary depending on your model.• Some data will not be backed up. To check which data will be backed up, launchthe Settings app, tap Cloud and accounts → Samsung Cloud → Backupsettings.Restoring data1 On your new device, launch the Settings app and tap Cloud and accounts → SamsungCloud → Restore.2 Tap and select the previous device from the devices list.3 Tick the data types you want to restore and tap RESTORE NOW.