Apps and features77Syncing events with your accounts1 Launch the Settings app, tap Accounts and backup → Accounts, and then select theaccount to sync with.2 Tap Sync account and tap the Calendar switch to activate it.For the Samsung account, tap → Sync settings and tap the Calendar switch to activateit.To add accounts to sync with, launch the Calendar app and tap → → Add newaccount. Then, select an account to sync with and sign in. When an account is added, a bluecircle is displayed next to the account name.ReminderCreate reminders to schedule to-do items or to view content later. You will receivenotifications at the preset time or location for each reminder.• To receive more accurate notifications, connect to a Wi-Fi or mobile network.• To fully use this feature, you must sign in to your Samsung account.• To use location reminders, the GPS feature must be activated.Starting ReminderLaunch the Calendar app and tap → Reminder. The Reminder screen will appear and theReminder app icon ( ) will be added to the Apps screen.