Basics29You can use the following functions on the notifications panel.Launch Settings.Launch S Finder.Tap a notificationand perform variousactions.Clear allnotifications.View all quicksetting buttons.Activate ordeactivate options.Tap and holdoptions to viewmore detailedsettings.Adjust thebrightness.Launch Quickconnect.Rearranging quick setting buttonsTo rearrange quick setting buttons on the notifications panel, tap → , tap and hold anitem, and then drag the item to another location.Using the quick setting panelYou can activate or deactivate some features on the notifications panel. To activate ordeactivate more features, open the quick setting panel.To open the quick setting panel, drag the status bar downwards with two fingers.Alternatively, tap on the notifications panel. To close the quick setting panel, drag the barfrom the bottom of the screen upwards.