98Touch and speak the search criteria slowly andclearly. Google searches for the information anddisplays results.Suggestions display below the text entry area.3. Touch a suggestion to search for that term.– or –Touch on the keyboard to start the search.A browser window displays the search results.To use Voice Search directly:1. From a Home screen, touch Apps ➔Google folder ➔ Voice Search.2. Speak the search criteria slowly and clearly. Googlesearches for the information and displays results. Ifcriteria is not understood, it displays Retry. Touch theto retry speaking the search words.Searching the Device Touch the search field, and then enter a keyword.Alternatively, touch , and then speak a keyword.If no results are returned from the applications, theweb browser appears, displaying the search results.Search ScopeTo select which applications to search: Touch Menu ➔ Settings ➔ Tablet search, andthen touch the items to search for.DRAFT For Internal Use Only