WARRANTY; without even the impliedwarranty of MERCHANTABILITY orFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the GNU Lesser General PublicLicense for more details.You should have received a copy of theGNU Lesser General Public License alongwith this library; if not, write to the FreeSoftware Foundation, Inc., 51 FranklinStreet, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301USA Also add information on how tocontact you by electronic and paper mail.You should also get your employer (if youwork as a programmer) or your school, ifany, to sign a “copyright disclaimer” for thelibrary, if necessary. Here is a sample; alterthe names:Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims allcopyright interest in the library ‘Frob’ (alibrary for tweaking knobs) written by JamesRandom Hacker.signature of Ty Coon, 1 April 1990 TyCoon, President of Vice.OpenSSL LICENSECopyright (c) 1998-2006 The OpenSSLProject. All rights reserved. Redistributionand use in source and binary forms, withor without modification, are permittedprovided that the following conditions aremet:1. Redistributions of source code mustretain the above copyright notice, this listof conditions and the following disclaimer.2. Redistributions in binary form mustreproduce the above copyright notice,this list of conditions and the followingdisclaimer in the documentationand/or other materials provided with thedistribution.3. All advertising materials mentioningfeatures or use of this software mustdisplay the following acknowledgment:“This product includes softwaredeveloped by the OpenSSL Project foruse in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)”4. The names “OpenSSL Toolkit” and“OpenSSL Project” must not be used toendorse or promote products derivedfrom this software without prior writtenpermission. For written permission, pleasecontact openssl-core@openssl.org.5. Products derived from this software maynot be called “OpenSSL” nor may“OpenSSL” appear in their nameswithout prior written permission of theOpenSSL Project.6. Redistributions of any formwhatsoever must retain the followingacknowledgment: “This product includessoftware developed by the OpenSSLProject for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit(http://www.openssl.org/)”THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THEOpenSSL PROJECT “AS IS” AND ANYEXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OpenSSLPROJECT OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BELIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT,INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENTOF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; ORBUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVERCAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OFLIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT,STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDINGNEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISINGIN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THISSOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THEPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Thisproduct includes cryptographic softwarewritten by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com).This product includes software written byTim Hudson(tjh@cryptsoft.com).