754. Enter the date and time you want to “Count Down” to. For example: iftoday’s date is April 1, 2001 and you want to know how many months,days, and hours remain before 7:00 P.M. February 14th 2002, enter thetime 07:00 P.M. and the date 02/14/2002.5. Press to store the Count Down timer.How to view, edit, add or erase a count down timer1. In standby mode, press for the Calendar.2. Press for Count Down. Countdown timers display in order of theleast amount of time passed since the countdown commenced, and leastamount of time remaining until the specified date.3. Press to open the options.4. Press to select the option. Use the navigation key to find the item youwant to change and follow the prompts.5. Press at any time to exit the exercise.Alarm clockYour phone has an Alarm Clock that can be set to go off once, or daily at aspecified time.Once set, the Alarm Clock is easy to change or turn off completely.To set the Alarm Clock:1. In standby mode, press for the Calendar.2. Press for Alarm Clock.3. Press to the option you want to use.4. Press . The Alarm Clock menu opens.5. Using the keypad, enter the time for the alarm to activate. Press tostore the setting, or press to return to the previous alarm optionsmenu.